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  • mahl7962

Webventure Brainstorm Blog

For this “Webventure” I want to create a juxtaposition between the old, classical art world and the current one. I plan on including famous marble statues such as David or Winged Victory and placing them into modern day situations such as answering the phone or going grocery shopping. The user will choose a block of marble to craft and then will take their sculpture around to do different activities. I will have a page that is “match the body part” and will have broken off arms or noses that the user chooses which one they want to add to their sculpture creating in Frankenstein like sculptures very far from the original. Additionally the user can choose what the sculpture eats. Ways that the user will “lose” can be that they pick up the phone and have to have a boring conversation with someone, they eat something poisonous, or their body part falls off. Ways they can win is by relaxing by the fountain, or surviving another century.

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